This answer to this was easy for me: publish.
I have to admit, this wasn't a difficult decision for me. Although it may seem an odd thing for an instructor, when it comes to presenting, I get very shy. While i can easily stand and present material to a group of students, for some reason, the idea of presenting my CBR to a roomful of instructors, administrators and educators was daunting.
I thought about using this as an opportunity to get "over" this fear and reluctance. But in doing so, I thought about what my presentation would be like: what i would say, what i would include, what would people *see*… and I don't feel that i have enough media to present an interesting presentation. I was not comfortable taking pictures or video of my students participating in their challenge project, so I do not have any "live action" media footage to include.
While my readers here may not agree or understand why ;), I consider myself a writer. This is the medium I prefer and am most comfortable.
I have been writing, in some form or another since I was 5.
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Image: Idea go / |
I wrote my first story in kindergarden, about two ponies (I still remember to this day), much to the dismay of my fellow classmates. I showed the story to my teacher, and she decided to include the entire class in a project to correct the spelling and grammar.
From an instructors perspective, this was a good way to include a shy student, and include lessons on spelling and grammar. Being the said student however, I could have easily been discouraged from writing again, as many students were unhappy about having to work through more spelling and grammar lessons. ("Don't do that again", I still distinctly remember hearing from one classmate).
To my credit, I am stubborn and in this aspect, self assured. Or perhaps, cursed with an over abundant imagination. Whatever the reason, I didn't stop writing…couldn't stop even.
So, in this, I am comfortable, and confident.
My literature review came easily to me (it was the editing that was the hard part) as did my phase reports.
I already have a good idea already of how I want to structure the article, and flashes of insight and blocks of text have made their way into my mind, often at the oddest at times (usually when a pen and paper are not handy, like the shower).
Where I am not sure of, is where to submit.
I am not particularly worried about this decision at this stage, however.
I have looked at Dr. Bedard's list and it is *huge*. This has both merits and detriments. On the one hand, the list is daunting to look at and through. On the other, it provides a wealth of possibilities.
And part of me, figures, "If, by the end of week 3 you don't have who to send it to figured out… just send it to as many as you can!"
Hey, it's a possibility. And, statistically, the more I submit to, the greater chance of being published… which, as a writer, has long been a goal for me.
Hey, it could happen.
It seems this month is all about possibilities. :D
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Image: Sarunyu_foto / |
Wow, thanks for sharing your process... good luck.