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I'm an instructor for the Computer, Science and Internet course at Full Sail University in Orlando, Fl. I'm taking the Education Media Design and Technology Masters so that I may expand my teaching repertoire and become a better instructor.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wk 1 Comments on Ana Gonzalez' Blog

Ana's Original Post:

FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2012

WK 1 - Reading Entry


Copyright is an issue that everyone has a problem with and many do not understand. After reviewing all three copyright issues, they are very complex and confusing for the people, which makes people do the copying without taking in consideration that they are violating the copyright laws.
If anyone is interested in reading the copyright law document, here is the link:
If people would read the article, there would be more confusion on the subject because of the complexity of it. 
On a video it states copyright isn’t about use, but about asking permission, that is the key to the whole copyright issue. 
It basically means use it in whatever you like, but make sure you have consent when you use it.
As a teacher, I will have to say that I have probably have broken some copyright laws, but I most likely did this for educational purposes. The school librarian has trained us on some of this copyright laws and making sure we use what is permitted and to give credit when needed.
Posted by Ana Gonzalez at 8:15 PM 

Ana,Your header sentence CopyRIGHT or CopyWRONG!"  made laugh. I think it highlights how confused many people a roe about the issue. I like that you linked to the copyright law document. I agree with you on the point of "If people would read the article, there would be more confusion on the subject because of the complexity of it. "The document is over 300 pages long!It doesn't help though that the copyright laws themselves are old and in some places contradict each other!This is something i (tried to) touch on in my own blog post, where I discussed the complexity of the laws. I think some measure of copyright law reform is in order. The details are so convoluted, and some laws contradictor others, while other laws are simply vague, and yet others appear to restrict creativity. It's great that your school librarian has addressed helping teachers use copyright effectively at your school. I think that's an idea that other schools may incorporate as well. 

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